How To Become A Winning Online Poker Player

Omaha is an exciting poker variant, and although it bears a striking similarity to Texas Hold’em, it stands in a class of its own.

How to become a winning player at the Online Poker Forum - How long did it take you from being a novice to actually winning on a constitant basis? Be Prepared For a Long Session. Most of these low buy-in, big field tournaments take several hours to complete, so you need to be prepared to play for a long time. Be patient as always, but also be ready for a lengthy grind should you go deep in the event.


Once poker players have understood the basic rules of playing Omaha Poker and played a few games for real money, they would want to know the secrets of playing a winning game of Omaha Poker.

Here are 10 tricks to winning at Omaha Poker.

  1. Know the Rules Omaha players will naturally be disappointed when the read the first secret to playing a winning game of Omaha Poker – know the rules. However, they must understand that it is literally impossible to understand any Omaha Poker strategy until and unless they have thoroughly understood the rules of Omaha Poker at the deepest level.
  2. Mark the DifferenceMany beginners play a miserable game of Omaha Poker because they do not realize the difference between Hold’em and Omaha. Players of Omaha have to create a strong five-card hand using two hole cards and three community cards, and this is what makes Omaha Poker more challenging than Texas Hold’em.
  3. Choosing Best Starting HandsA standard deck of 52 playing cards can be used to create 5,277 combinations, provided only four cards are used and suited combinations are not considered. Successful Omaha players understand these combinations very well.
  4. All Four Cards Are ImportantWhile it is true that players can use only two of their hole cards to create the strongest hand, they must carefully study all the four cards in their starting hand. Thinking of the various combinations that can be created with these four cards will help players understand better their odds of winning.
  5. Ace Pair Having a pair of Aces in one’s starting hands is something to be happy about. For instance, if players are dealt an Ace of Spades, an Ace of Diamonds, a King of Spades, and a King of Diamonds, they will do very well on the flop. An excellent Omaha Poker strategy would be to play a starting hand with an Ace pair.

Learn the basic Omaha Poker Rules

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  1. Aces Are Not Everything Simultaneously, an ace is not everything and it definitely does not promise the jackpot. While having an Ace in the starting hand is always beneficial, a lot depends on the other cards in the hand. Even if players get an Ace pair, if they have cards such as Five of Clubs and Nine of Hearts with their Ace pair, they will not be able to win. However, if the opponent does not have an Ace in his/her starting hand, the above-mentioned hand can be played. A list of great starting hands with Ace pairs would include AAQQ, AA99, and AAJJ, to mention just a few.
  2. Kings and Queens Omaha players who are dealt Kings and Queens in their starting hands can also play their hands, provided they have another strong pair. For instance, a King of Diamonds, a King of Spades, a Queen of Diamonds, and a Queen of Spades comprises a great starting hand, but a King of Diamonds, a King of Spades, a Nine of Spades, and a Nine if Diamonds is not really a good hand to play. Players can consider playing starting hands with pairs of cards, suited connectors, flushes, and connectors.
  3. The Best Can Be the Worst Sometimes players might receive cards that look excellent, but have absolutely no potential of winning. For instance, beginners will jump for joy if they get four cards from the same suit or a three of a kind, but such hands are useless to Omaha players because they can use only two of their hole cards and 3 community cards to create a winning hand. Such hands are, therefore, better folded.
  4. Identify Worthless Hands Omaha players must understand that they cannot play all starting hands. If they get dealt a hand that has no potential of becoming a winner, they had better fold. Players must learn the art of distinguishing worthless hands from valuable starting hands.
  5. Best Omaha Starting Hand The best Omaha starting hand can, therefore, be defined as a hand comprising four great cards that can work collaboratively to create a strong poker hand for the player. Players should look for card pairs, complimentary cards, suited cards, connected cards, and even a pair of deuces.

We live in an era of instantaneous. On the outside we all look vastly different, but our innards are all screaming “I want it now!” like a purple overblown Veruca Salt. Patience as a virtue is so yesterday. Today we want the whole world in our hands from the moment we take that magical parturition roller coaster ride. This is why people choose to be a professional poker player or they follow the Top 50 Poker Twitter Handles to keep up with professional Poker players from around the world.

From the inside out it’s a tough nut to crack, but from the outside in it looks like a veritable paradise. Vast periods of time sitting in your underwear, clicking buttons all day, only permeated by occasional trips to Monte Carlo, Las Vegas and Walsall.

A million here, a million there, Christ there are millions everywhere.

So how is it done? Not by telling lies that’s for sure.

How can you become a professional poker player in the shortest possible time?

1# Win a Big Tournament Early in Your Career


This is the most popular stream of advice that trickled out through the tributaries of the professional poker players Canteen during lunchtime. It’s all about the money honey and what better way to get your bankroll started that to luck box your way to a major title in the first few weeks of play.

“Win a big tournament early in your career,” says Rupert Elder.

“The easiest way to become a pro is to make a big result in a big event,” says Jean Marie Vandeborne.

“Bink a tourney and turn pro like everyone else,” says Morten Mortensen.

“Win a big event. No win a huge event. Then retire.” Says Nicolas Levi – who is making a very bad job of retiring right at this precise time.

2# Taking Shots Early On

Another solid piece of advice that must be exercised with a tinge of caution involved taking shots early on. This is often the tale told by the grinders who started out in life at the 25nl levels only to find themselves moving all-in for $250,000 just a few short years later.

“Take some shots early on.” Says Elder.

“Don’t be afraid to take a shot at a bigger stake, have a hard set stop loss and be careful with your game selection.” Says Max Silver.

3# Stay Away From Those Table Games

Money is the fuel that will allow your poker machine to keep on trundling along, and so it’s important that you nurture it like you would a newborn baby.


The excitement of earning money through a gambling game often leads to the participation of more gambling games. Suddenly, you think you are invincible at anything from Three-Card Brag, Credit Card Roulette and Craps.

How many players started out in life being eliminated on Day 1A of a £1k event and then put £1k on red in a bid to win back the buy-in?

“Keep away from those damn table games any time you get a result. No one is ever satisfied unless they take 1st place so they chase the balance in prize money on the roulette and baccarat!” Says Sam Razavi.

4# Choose Your Profile Carefully

We live in the age of Social Media. Not bad if you want to spend a few voyeuristic hours trawling through the photographs of a beautiful friend you hardly know, but not so great if you want to keep your private life a secret.

If you want to make it as a pro player you are going to have to get used to finding people willing to stake you. This means your name, image and profile needs to be absolute mustard as Richard Trigg understands all too well.

“Cut off your tracking site information and tell everyone you crush the game so you can get staked.” Says Richard Trigg

Advise that Gus Hansen would do well to heed.

When you are playing live poker it’s also important that you look the part, as demonstrated by Leon Louis when he says, “Purchase an expensive pair of Bose or Beats by Dre headphones, cultured Parisian looking scarf accompanied with 2 weeks of beard growth.”

5# Stop Dreaming and Start Living

We are all flesh and bone.

The only thing that separates the men from the boys – and girls from the women – is our belief system and the choices that we make thereafter.

Take some advice from Walter Mitty and stop dreaming and start living. If you are going to be a professional poker player then you are going to have to learn to take some risks.

So what are you waiting for?

“Just quit your job and declare yourself a pro,” Says Elder.

“Quitting your job and playing poker does the job…not that I would recommend it though.” Says Morten Mortensen.

Whoops…too late Morten.

“You just have to start doing something and make things happen,” says Andrew Seidman, “As a poker coach I can only show my students the door…they have to walk through it. If you want to be a professional poker player you have to walk through that door.”

6# Work Harder Than Everyone Else

Poker is no different to anything else that you want to excel at in life. If you want to be the best at anything you either have to get very lucky, or work harder than your competition.

Given that poker rewards luck in the short term, and skill over the long term, it’s always advisable to work hard on those levels of skill and not rely on the bouts of luck that inevitably pass your doorway.

“My advice would be to play until your mouse bleeds. The more hours you play the better you get, and more likely you are to make it as a pro.” Says Rhys Jones.

7# Coaching

If we want to get anywhere quicker than the next person, then the best approach is to seek out someone who has a map and borrow it.

Watching the very best players in the game talk you through their decision making process is golden, and this is why you should invest heavily in online coaching when you first get into the game.

“Watch videos, tutorials and even get private lessons. Then spend more time analyzing your game than playing. Until you get into the swing of things I would suggest splitting your time 75% analytically and 25% playing.” Says Mathew Frankland.

“Watching tutorial videos are a great way to progress,” says Louis.

8# Befriend the Very Best

Staying with the mentor/training theme, one of the quickest ways to get to the top is to become personal friends with the people currently wearing the crowns, garlands and bathing in milk.

If you are fortunate enough to get into the inner sanctum then your route to the top will come quicker than poppadoms and a chutney tray at an Indian restaurant.

How To Become A Better Online Poker Player

“Befriend some successful pros; they’ve been there before you and have all the best stories,” Says Kara Scott.

But how exactly do you befriend them? Leon Louis believes he has it licked.

“During random poker conversations with them just insert terms such as EV/Fold equity/ICM and the Nash Equilibrium. You won’t have to know what you’re talking about but to them you’ll look like a genius.”

How To Become A Good Online Poker Player

9# Slow Down You Move to Fast

Simon & Garfunkel could have been referring to professional poker players when they sang “Slow down you move too fast, you gotta make the morning last. Just kicking down the cobble stones…looking for fun and feeling groovy.”

Sometimes the best approach to getting anywhere quick is to take your time. A principle that Paul Jackson concurs with.

How To Become A Professional Online Poker Player

“If you are playing cash games then don’t try to too much too fast, and if you are playing MTT’s don’t use the phrase “i was playing to win” to justify a bad action.”

10# Make Every Decision One Based on EV

Gut feeling gets you into trouble. Instead, you need to learn to base your decisions on the theory of Expected Value (EV). I would love to explain what that means, but this is why I write and don’t play, but Leon Louis once again hits the nail on the head.

“Look at every decision in your life from an ”EV perspective”, anything ranging from optimal tinder strategy to which brand of butter you purchase.”

What’s your best advice? Let us know in the comments below.

How To Become An Online Poker Player

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How To Be A Good Online Poker Player

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