Roulette Prediction & Calc Pro

Professional roulette software for consistent profits. RouletteHit team is a committed group of software engineering specialists, with incredible experience, who have built up the imaginative number prediction software with forefront innovation.RouletteHit group with profundity of learning inside of the roulette gaming has experience working straightforwardly in the gambling and betting. For the purposes of roulette prediction, it’s the speed of the ball that sets the time. Now, instead of thinking of a roulette wheel as a round rotating object, think of the numbers on it stretched out in a straight line along a road, with the numbers repeating, in the same order, every time you come to the end of the set of numbers.

Preparing the data

Once the two databases are ready, they need to be loaded into the operational program, while the team will be able to act. As soon as the two team members have taken suitable positions at the roulette table, the timing person can start the routine. Once the ball has decelerated to 6-7 revolutions from the drop off point, he/she will enter two consecutive clicks, one revolution apart. This way he/she will time the wheelhead. This procedure will then be followed by two consecutive clicks, again one revolution apart, for the roulette ball. Once the computer receives all four clicks, it will automatically come up with a forecast, which will instantenously be sent to the bettor. The second timing click for the ball will be made at about the fourth or fifth revolution preceding the fall off the track. This way the bettor will have a sufficient amount of time to hear the forecast and make bets on 10-12 numbers. In case the timing is done earlier, the program may be not that accurate.

The first two clicks determine the position and the speed of the wheelhead at a known moment in time. The third and the fourth clicks determine the position and the speed of the ball at a later moment in time. The program searches the ball speed in the ball database for the particular wheel in order to determine the drop-off time and the sector spot, where the ball will fall off the track from. Once the time of the drop off has been determined, the program will search the wheelhead database in order to find the position of the wheelhead at the moment the roulette ball leaves the ball track. Now that the position of the ball and the position of the wheelhead at the forecast drop-off time are known, enough information has been collected, so that the program can determine which numbered pocket will happen to be beneath the ball when it drops off the track into the wheelhead.

This entire sequence of operations involves the use of five programs:

A. Wheelhead Data Collection
B. Ball Data Collection
C. Wheelhead Data Processing
D. Ball Data Processing
E. Operational Play

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Roulette predictor & calc pro apk


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The two programs for data collection need to be combined, so that the team is able to collect all the data with one visit to the casino only. For that purpose, an audible menu is required, so that the team can switch between the two functions (respectively, more than one pocket switch is required).

How to improve the software

We already noted that the bettor is able to receive the forecast either as a string of long/short beeps, or as a voice, with each of the two methods having its pros. It is quite unlikely that the transmitted radio signal may be intercepted. After all, the transmitter is of low power and uses a short range. Even if assuming the insignificant chance of signal interception, the series of beeps is not likely to draw much attention. In addition, the beep system will work properly with almost any kind of microwatt transmitter.

The option involving a voice synthesizer, on the other hand, requires a reliable FM transmitter having a good audio modulator, if one wants to avoid signal fading. The voice synthesizer saves the bettor the trouble to count and interpret a string of beeps. It also allows one to use a more advanced audio menu system, which makes the entire operation more flexible.

The bettor receives the computer forecast via an earphone attached to a radio receiver. The timing person needs to have an earphone as well, as the latter may be attached directly to the computer speaker line.

The Audio Menu System

Such a system is a key supplement for data collection and operational programs. Because the two data processing programs are used outside the casino premises, they may employ a normal on-screen menu. The audio menu system enables the team to combine the two data collection programs, while the timing person is able to switch between them whenever he/she is willing to. Such a system also makes it easy for the team to collect data from more than one roulette wheel without leaving the casino. It is quite an advantage for the timing person to be able to move from one wheel to another whenever the surrounding environment on the casino floor requires it. These advantages are also valid when it comes to the operational program. In case a number of wheels have been examined, the timing person is able to choose any of them, while this enables the team to freely move from one roulette wheel to another.

In a program, this can be arranged by keeping individual database files for every wheel. If the timing person activates the audio menu and chooses a wheel, the corresponding database files will be loaded in the program, while the latter will be ready to serve its purpose. In case the team intends to switch wheels, the timing person will use the audio menu to choose the new wheel. This way the data arrays will be re-dimensioned and the new files will be loaded.

The Roulette Wheels
Other Ways of Rigging a Wheel
Beating the Roulette Odds the Old Way
Other Old Roulette Schemes Used by Players
Beating the Roulette Odds by Computer Prediction
Digging Deeper into the Roulette Computer Prediction Method

The Enhancements

Roulette Predictor & Calc Pro Apk

After the programs have been created and tested, one can make additional improvements to them. The latter depend entirely on the imagination and resourcefulness of the programmer. One such improvement is the real-time compensation. While the team is examining a roulette wheel, a number of events can influence the accuracy of the computer forecast. They can vary from a situation, when the dealer decides to change the current ball with one of a different size, to fatigue which would influence the timing person's reaction time. These events may lead to a rotational shift in number projection. As long as the shift is consistent, one can create the program in a way, which could enable it to compensate for that shift in real time. In order to achieve this, the timing person has to enter the actual winning number after the forecast has already been compiled.

What the program actually does is comparing the actual winning number with the forecast number, determining the possible gap and maintaining a moving average of that gap. In case the moving average consistently follows one direction, the program will start adjusting future forecast in the respective way. When clicking a large number with only one switch, it is possible for the timing person to lose count. Thus, the team needs to establish a system of tens and units. Specific numbers need to be assigned for the single zero and the double zero, which the program could recognize as such. Logically, these should be numbers larger than 36. In addition, the team may assign other numbers for certain purposes. For example, one number may command the program to start over, while another may command it to remove a particular entry.

When compiling a forecast, the program will usually assume that the roulette ball falls right into the wheelhead and comes to rest in a pocket, or it will disregard ball bounce. The bounce of a ball, in the common case, is not a subject to forecast, thus, choosing a wheel that demonstrates minimal ball bounce is crucial. However, at times, the bounce may be sufficiently consistent, while this enables the program to make up for it. In order to take advantage of that compensation, the timing person should employ sound judgement and close observation.